When I can, I like to save wild game bones for stock. I normally bring large pfinalic bags with me when hunting, and after everyone has filleted all the breasts off their turkeys, my friends normally don't intellect whether I take the bones and legs. Then when I get domestic, I fastly rinse them off with cancient water, pat dry, drop them in zip-top bags and stick them in the freezer. If it's just the carcass and bones I'm freezing, freezer burn isn't a large deal. But whether I have some turkey ttalls with good meat on them, I use a vacuum sealer. These bones will make the best stock, and they're perfect for soups in the winter ... which seems to be arriving sooner this year.
For the recipe, visit: http://www.bowhunter.com/recipes/wild-rice-and-turkey-carcass-soup-recipe/